Saturday, September 22, 2007

Folder lock, folder hide in less than a minute

Folder hide software is not important for your needs, because there is a technique to hide your folders in Windows XP. Let us see how we can use the folder lock for secret folders.

Let’s you want to hide a folder named ‘sex and porn’ which is in the drive D of your computer

Do this..Click on Start->Run-Type in ‘cmd’(without the quotes) and then d:

Once this is done

type D:/>attrib +h +s porn

the above command is to hide or conceal the folder
When you hide your folder in this manner with this folder hide command, it will not be visible even after doing advance search or showing ‘show hidden files’ action.

The only way you can bring your folder back to visibility is by typing the command:
D:/>attrib -h -s porn

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Internet error codes-Understanding Internet error codes

Here's a complete list of Internet error codes-it helps to understand what they mean. The codes can generally by grouped as follows -

* 100-199 - Information Codes. Gives information about the request or the servers involved.
* 200-299 - Success Codes. Shows that the request was accepted or the requested file has zero content (empty).
* 300-399 - Redirects. Requested content has moved.
* 400-499 - Client Errors. Cannot find content or you don't have the necessary permissions to access it.
* 500-599 - Server Errors. There is a problem at the server end, not allowing the request from completing successfully.

100 Continue
101 Switching Protocols
200 OK The request was successful
201 Created The request was successful and a new resource was created
202 Accepted The request was accepted for processing, but the processing is not yet complete
203 Non-Authoritative Information
204 No Content The server has processed the request but there is no new information to be returned
205 Reset Content
206 Partial Content
300 Multiple Choices The requested resource is available at one or more locations
301 Moved Permanently The requested resource has been assigned a new URL and any further references should use this new URL
302 Moved Temporarily The requested resource resides at a different location, but will return to this location in the future
303 See Other
304 Not Modified The requested resource has not been modified since the date specified in the If-Modified_Since header
305 Use Proxy
400 This is bad request error, First check you could be typing a wrong URL name and server may not understand your request.
401 You are attempting to open any unauthorized access site or page. Check your username and password if you are trying to open any webpage.
402 Payment Required Error
403 You are attempting to open any forbidden page and you are blocked by that domain.
404 You are attempting to open the webpage that was removed or re-named, also check the URL spelling.

405 Method Not Allowed
406 Not Acceptable
407 Proxy Authentication Required

408 This is time out error. You should send the request with in time that the server set for you.

409 Conflict
410 Gone
411 Length Required
412 Precondition Failed
413 Request Entity Too Large
414 Request-URL Too Large
415 Unsupported Media Type
500 Internal Server Error The server could not satisfy the request due to an internal error condition.
501 Not Implemented
502 Bad Gateway The server received an invalid response from the server from which it was trying to retrieve information.
503 Out of Resources
504 Gateway Time-Out
505 HTTP Version not supported

Computer running slow?

What to do if you computer becomes slow all of a sudden? You have not installed any suspicious software, yet the system is taking almost an hour to transfer files which it used to do in just about 5 minutes. What do you do? Here’s how you take care of this problem:

1. Delete the useless files from your system with ccleaner.

2. Find out the volume for errors. For this, right click on drive >>tools>>checknow

3. Do a system defragmentation once a week. Right click on drive >>tools>>defragmentation.

4. Your startup menu can make your computer slow. Remove items that you do not require, from startup. For this go to start>>run>>msconfig>>selective startup>uncheck load startup items.

5. Make use of an antivirus software that can scan, remove suspicious and damaging software and also alert you of any possible attack on your system from virus, Trojan or email spam. Kapersky, Norton or McAfee are recommended anti-virus software.

6. If all the above fail, you should reinstall your OS or windows. This will take care of the problem.

Windows XP-Hidden Applications

There are a lot of hidden applications in Windows XP which can be quite helpful. These applications can be quite fruitful. Try them out. Here’s how you go about doing it.

In order to run any of these apps go to Start > Run and type the executable name (for example drwsten32.exe).


1) Character Map = charmap.exe (very useful for finding unusual characters)

2) Clipboard Viewer = clipbrd.exe (views contents of Windows clipboard)

3) Dr Watson = drwtsn32.exe (Troubleshooting tool)

4) DirectX diagnosis = dxdiag.exe (Diagnose & test DirectX, video & sound cards)

5) Private character editor = eudcedit.exe (allows creation or modification of characters)

6) IExpress Wizard = iexpress.exe (Create self-extracting / self-installing package)

7) Disk Cleanup = cleanmgr.exe

8) Microsoft Synchronization Manager = mobsync.exe (allows organization of files on the network when working offline. Apparently undocumented).

9) System Configuration Editor = sysedit.exe (modify System.ini & Win.ini just like in Win98! ).

10) Program Manager = progman.exe (Legacy Windows 3.x desktop shell).

11) Remote Access phone book = rasphone.exe (documentation is totally non-existant).

12) Registry Editor = regedt32.exe [also regedit.exe] (for hacking the Windows Registry).

13) Network shared folder wizard = shrpubw.exe (creates shared folders on network).

14) File siganture verification tool = sigverif.exe

15) Volume Contro = sndvol32.exe (I've included this for those people that lose it from the System Notification area).

16) Syskey = syskey.exe (Secures XP Account database - use with care, it's virtually undocumented but it appears to encrypt all passwords, I'm not sure of the full implications).

17) Microsoft Telnet Client = telnet.exe

18) Driver Verifier Manager = verifier.exe (seems to be a utility for monitoring the actions of drivers, might be useful for people having driver problems. Undocumented).

19) Windows for Workgroups Chat = winchat.exe (appears to be an old NT utility to allow chat sessions over a LAN, help files available).

20) System configuration = msconfig.exe (can use to control starup programs)

21) gpedit.msc used to manage group policies, and permissions

22) Windows Media Player 5.1 = mplay32.exe (Retro version of Media Player, very basic).

23) ODBC Data Source Administrator = odbcad32.exe (something to do with databases)

24) Object Packager = packager.exe (deals with packaging objects for insertion in files, appears to have comprehensive help files).

25) System Monitor = perfmon.exe (highly recommended, highly configurable tool, tells you all you wanted to know about any aspect of PC performance, for uber-geeks only )

Friday, September 14, 2007

Speed up your firefox

Speeding you your Firefox is easy.
Open Firefox. Type about:config in the address bar and press enter

In the filter bar type network.http.pipelining. Ensure that the value field is says true. If not double-click to set it.

Come back to the filter bar and type network.http.pipelining.maxrequests. Double-click this option and set its value to 8.

More information about speeding up your Firefox is given at